Friday, July 10, 2009

Lyrics 002

Hm, this time the format is sort of however I want it. They can be summarized in saying that in spite of whether or not the lyrics are ridiculous or commendable, they are always held in eager anticipation once the songs first notes are heard.

Stronger - Kanye West

"Let's get lost tonight,
You can be my black Kate Moss tonight."

I almost don't want to say anything about that- it pretty much explains itself. But at least with these words we become aware of what kind of woman Kanye really wants: a short, waifish African American.

Dead and Gone - T.I. ft. Justin Timberlake

"No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday, the heart of me is strong today
No regrets, I'm blessed to say the old me dead and gone away."

Okay, so apparently TI can't write a song without featuring someone else- but still. I don't listen to a great deal of rap, but I enjoy pretty much this entire song always.

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Theme - Rockapella

"Steal their Seoul in South Korea, make Antarctica cry Uncle,
From the Red Sea to Greenland they'll be singing the blues,
Well they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the jungle,"


"Well she'll ransack Pakistan and run a scam in Scandinavia,
Then she'll stick 'em up Down Under and go pick-pocket Perth,
She put the Miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima,"

These lyrics strike me with awe with each and every listen.


  1. Am I going to keep updating this blog? Yes. Will it be often and continuous? Nay. Am I sorry at all? Most likely.

  2. you should be sorry.

    also...T.I was having gender attraction issues? how difficult to maintain street cred under that type of dilemma.

    carmen sandiego is awesome. miss in misdemeanor
